Updates and opportunities to join in Northside Friends’ social witness and community service activities:

American Friends Service Committee (AFSC)

Every Fri 11:00 am:  Action Hour for a Ceasefire Now.  Online.

Join AFSC staff to hear weekly updates from Gaza. Then, take action together to contact our elected officials and call for an immediate cease-fire and humanitarian access to Gaza. Pre-registration required.

To registerhttps://afsc.org/events/action-hour-cease-fire-now

Mon 3/11: Job Application Deadline: Full-time Program Associate, Chicago Peacebuilding Program.

Chicago Peacebuilding works to dismantle militarist practices that disproportionately affect communities of color in the US and the global community and toward investment in the well being of those who are targeted and criminalized by state violence. The Program Associate implements key areas of program work to support movement-building for prison and police abolition and the creation of community-based alternatives; participate in AFSC national and global efforts toward system change as needed.   The Program Associate implements key areas of program work to support movement-building for prison and police abolition and the creation of community-based alternatives; participate in AFSC national and global efforts toward system change as needed. 

For more information: Job listing

Illinois Yearly Meeting (ILYM)

Fri 3/15 7 pm:  Illinois Yearly Meeting Anti-Racism Cafe.  Online.

"Are you interested in connecting with other Friends in Illinois Yearly Meeting on anti-racism work? Then join in at the Anti-Racism Café. Each month the ILYM Ad Hoc Anti-Racism Committee will provide space both for Friends who want to share ideas for anti-racist activism, and for Friends who want to focus on the inward work of becoming anti-racist. This is an opportunity to learn about the experiences of Friends in other meetings, to share resources, and to come together in worship and fellowship to build a wider Quaker community."
More information:  https://ilym.org/ilym/anti-racism-cafe/ or contact Eva Hare.

Japanese American Service Committee

Fri 3/8 6 pm:  Soup and Rice.  4427 N Clark Street.

The March Soup & Rice event will (really!) be the last one at Clark Street. Delicious soup made by volunteers, rice made by JASC staff, and a community meal with contributions at the door going to a neighborhood social service provider. Soup makers and setup volunteers sign up online by clicking here.

More information: Contact Jenn at JASC at 773-275-0097, ext. 228 or email her at jtrautvetter@jasc-chicago.org 

Pendle Hill

Thu-Sun, 5/2-5:  The Quaker Institute: Living Our Testimonies in “The Fierce Urgency of Now.” Wallingford, PA.

As we face the illumination and escalation of longstanding structures of violence both in the U.S. and globally, and prepare for the 2024 US elections, Pendle Hill invites Friends to learn, vision, worship, and break bread together. Participants will explore the role of our communities in the context of our current political moment. Participants are intended to leave this gathering spiritually grounded, with new relationships, strategies, and practices for living our testimonies, speaking truth, and walking with integrity through the world as Friends.

To registerhttps://pendlehill.org/events/pendle-hill-quaker-institute-living-our-testimonies-in-the-fierce-urgency-of-now/